Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Religion as Social Institution

      Religion is a social institution simply because you follow a guideline for the way you live.  Your religion influences your values, norms, and beliefs.  If you are Catholic and you live in America it is not a bad thing to believe in the Virgin Mary.  Whereas other religions, in America, belief in multiple gods.

     Religion helps you better understand the meaning or purpose of life.  Most religions have a book, like the bible, which tells stories on how to behave,  Different religions have different stories to tell in their books, and that is where each religion is divided into institutions.  All religions in general are not social institution, but one religion with the same beliefs, values, and norms is in fact a social institution.
Image result for jesus in the sky
Religion is a big form of lifestyle and that is why we should respect it.  If you choose to believe in the science rather then the super natural, then so be it.  We don't have the right to judge a social institution that gave a pathway to the way of living of someone.  Emile Durkheim, The Father of Sociology, once stated that, "Every society has beliefs about things that are more practical and down to earth" (Lardbucket. org).  In the case that formal beliefs are scared beliefs and the next form of beliefs are profane beliefs.  The religious beliefs, of course, involve the sacred, things that we can feel, rather than see.  Sacred beliefs are things that inspire us and make us feel fear.

      Religion in essence reminds us of the importance in older societies.  The way they lived their life, and how they went about right or wrong was most likely influenced by religion.  Studying religion gives the human race the opportunity to discover more about a specific religion.  With more findings we better our opportunity for people to have faith.


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