Sunday, December 13, 2015

Free Writing


This topic is gonna deal with the soccer.  I am a soccer player, and I think it is possible to connect the system at some extent.  I want to interpret the functionalism theory in here.  I will start from the top to see how everything works to make the team function.
The captain with his band on his left arm.
      The first one I believe would be at the top would be the coaches.  They are at the top because they are wiser, but they need people to do their labor work, which in this case is play the sport.  The coaches make the rules and everything that they expect out of the team, but they are also open to the player's opinions to make sure that everyone has a vote on how the team should work.  

The next one with power would be the captain of the team.  They wear a band in their arms to symbolize that they are the captain of the team.  To compare the captain with functionalism, we will see them as the large corporation owners.  These people are not necessarily at the top, but they do have some sort of authority.  The captain also needs his players to do the labor work, but, the captain will have to do some of the work sometimes.

On this picture the goalkeeper is also wearing the captain band.
      The next one in line is the goalkeeper, which is also the captain sometimes. Even though they do not have a lot of the power like the coaches and the captain, they see everything from their perspective of the field, and what he says goes.  The goalkeeper would be something like the less rich corporations, they do all the dirty work, but somehow they are still at the top with the players.

       The last one in line, of course, is all the players.  They are the minority, and they make the team function by doing all the work.  Even though the players make the team win, at the end the coaches get all the applause.  The players know they do all the labor work, but they will not retaliate since they need the coaches to keep the thing going.  Same in society, the minority knows they do all the labor work, but they need the large corporations, not keep society, but to survive.
The whole team together makes up their own society.
       A lot of things can relate to functionalism, and I think that soccer does.  The coaches are the leaders.  Then the captains and the goalkeepers control somewhat of the team. All the left over players are somewhat of the minority, and they keep the team going with the labor work.  The coaches need the players to play for them, and the players need the coaches to keep playing.

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