Sunday, November 15, 2015

Free writing

 A couple of weeks back my Caucasian room mates and I decided to go out and grab some dinner at a fast food place here in town.  I have been going to a college in central Kansas.  In Concordia, where the college is located, there are only 5,000 people in the town.  Give or take.  Coming from a town of 300,000 people, well I had to adapt to how they do things.  One of the things I started to do so that I could adapt to the best of my abilities was study people.  When I say study it means that I pay attention to everyone when they eat, talk, and even the way they say hi to each other.  Coming from a Hispanic background everything is so different for me.  When I arrived here, I met one of my friends mom and kissed her in the cheek, because that is normal where I come from, but her husband did not take that to kindly.  Well back to my studying of people.  I have been doing it for quite a while, and now I have some things down, and I can act, as a lot of you would say normal.  As I was studying how my room mates ate that time we went to grab dinner, I was a little entertained on how they ate.  I analyzed them, got my facts straight, and then told them this: 

Lucas you eat as if you are always on the run.  I know him and he is a very hard worker, so he was always eating while working.  He needs to get his food down and go back to work.

Jake you eat as if you do nothing at home.  We know him, and we know how he likes to binge watch shows online for hours. When we got to the dorm with the food he immediately sat down on a chair in front of the T.V, covered himself with a blanket and started to eat and watch television.

I ate in a corner in the only space I could find, and ate right out of the bag.  Coming from a small, crowded house, this is how I am used to eating.

Zach, I think is the one with the highest status of money from all of us, so why we were eating out of  our bag he was getting a plate to take out the food out of the bag. He then served himself his meal and took his time to eat. I told him that he was used to his family sitting together and eating. He agreed with me and laughed.

I just thought that the way you are raised is so different even in the same state.  We all have our norms, and sometimes it is easy to point them out if you actually try.

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