Sunday, October 25, 2015

Social Interaction

The term social interaction to many can be the way we all interact in one culture.  It is the way we interact in modern society with our friends and family.  You do it in your everyday life.  It is just the way of living in this modern time.  This term was derived from all different types of interactions that have been passed down the time line for each way of society that we have been through.  Today and in the near future interaction will be different and it is different than what it was before in the past.

In the past it used to be more face to face.  For example, if you were thinking of courting someone, you would most likely go and find him/her rather than just text her or send a message through Facebook.  Actually, men would look for women, but in this modern society it is acceptable for women to look for men. In modern time we cannot even feel the emotional connections we have with our families because of advancements in technology like, Skype, or Factime.  Face to face interaction is important in this type of society, because you never know what danger you are setting yourself up to.  You might hire an employee and have never had the chance to meet him, but his online posts made you feel like if he had potential.  The world is not supposed to be like that.  Whatever happened to the good old business meeting when you actually had your boss in the room, rather than video chatting you guys from his apartment, wearing nothing but underwear and a good dress shirt.

What I am afraid of is how our communication will function if we keep making advancements in technology.  Now don't get me wrong we need advancements in technology, but I cannot tell you how many times I go on a date and that person is on her phone, and I  am guilty of this as well.  Social interaction in the future will take away the chance of enjoying the time being spent with a person.  In this modern world everything is through technology.  What will become of us if we keep innovating? Some of the millennials should consider in adopting some of their parent's good, old school manners.  Maybe sometime in the near future I hope to meet someone that enjoys human interaction instead of the cold screen of a phone.


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