Sunday, October 25, 2015

Social Interaction

The term social interaction to many can be the way we all interact in one culture.  It is the way we interact in modern society with our friends and family.  You do it in your everyday life.  It is just the way of living in this modern time.  This term was derived from all different types of interactions that have been passed down the time line for each way of society that we have been through.  Today and in the near future interaction will be different and it is different than what it was before in the past.

In the past it used to be more face to face.  For example, if you were thinking of courting someone, you would most likely go and find him/her rather than just text her or send a message through Facebook.  Actually, men would look for women, but in this modern society it is acceptable for women to look for men. In modern time we cannot even feel the emotional connections we have with our families because of advancements in technology like, Skype, or Factime.  Face to face interaction is important in this type of society, because you never know what danger you are setting yourself up to.  You might hire an employee and have never had the chance to meet him, but his online posts made you feel like if he had potential.  The world is not supposed to be like that.  Whatever happened to the good old business meeting when you actually had your boss in the room, rather than video chatting you guys from his apartment, wearing nothing but underwear and a good dress shirt.

What I am afraid of is how our communication will function if we keep making advancements in technology.  Now don't get me wrong we need advancements in technology, but I cannot tell you how many times I go on a date and that person is on her phone, and I  am guilty of this as well.  Social interaction in the future will take away the chance of enjoying the time being spent with a person.  In this modern world everything is through technology.  What will become of us if we keep innovating? Some of the millennials should consider in adopting some of their parent's good, old school manners.  Maybe sometime in the near future I hope to meet someone that enjoys human interaction instead of the cold screen of a phone.


Friday, October 9, 2015

A song that focuses on conflict theory

The This song named "black boy fly", by Kendrick Lamar focuses on a neighborhood in America where it is tough to get out of.  Compton is in south California and in this song he states many people that have gotten out of the ghetto, and how the people that are still in the ghetto are left out.

So I'm saying "What up what up. Nigga you made it."
So I'm saying "What up what up. Nigga you made it."
So I'm saying "What up what up. Nigga you made it."
So I'm saying "What up what up. Nigga I hate it."
So I'm saying "What up what up. Nigga I hate it."
Frustrated and I'm riding down the back streets
Making my conscious ask me
"Would I survive to make it up out this hole in time?"
Black boy fly
Black boy fly
Black-black boy fly
Black boy fly
What he starts saying right of of the bat is that how he lives in a hole, which is neighborhood and he's singing to the people that made it.
I used to be jealous of Aaron Afflalo
I used to be jealous of Aaron Afflalo
He was the one to follow
He was the only leader foreseeing brighter tomorrows
He would live in the gym
We was living in sorrow
Total envy of him
He made his dream become a reality
Actually making it possible to swim
His way out of Compton with further more to accomplish
Graduate with honors, a sponsor of basketball scholars
It's 2004 and I'm watching him score thirty
Remember vividly how them victory points had hurt me
'Cause every basket was a reaction or a reminder
That we was just moving backwards
The bungalow where you find us
The art of us ditching classes heading nowhere fast
Stick my head inside the study hall, he focused on math
Determination ambition, plus dedication and wisdom
Qualities he was given was the shit we didn't have
Dug inside of his book bag and Coach Palmer asked for his finals
He had his back like a spinal meanwhile
We singing the same old song spinning the vinyl
Eleven graders gone wrong
He focused on the NBA we focused on some Patron
Now watch that black boy fly
What he talks about in the first verse is how Aaron aflalo made it out of the dark hole and is now a professional basketball player. Kendrick even compares himself to him how Aaron is working hard in the gym while him and the others ditch class and drink.

I used to jealous of Jayceon
I used to jealous of Jayceon, Taylor when I was young
Taylor made a career out of music from writing songs
A Buick had driven past bumping him when I mowed the lawn
Money laundering hustling, homies pondering up against
Schemes to make a million even if doing you harm
War's the case and just in case you wasn't alarmed
The city had fought with firearms and many had died before dawn
Its 2004 and I'm hearing the people roar
For the name of The Game they line in front of the store
Swap meets selling our mixtapes I'm like oh shit, wait
Don't wanna be another nigga stuck regretting mistakes
Mixed feelings was my opinion I was defending my insecurities
Chillin' my conscience next to a villain
Compton made you believe success wasn't real
Be honest, none of us knew of a record deal
So as I peel through these lottery tickets
I see a Harley Davidson truck visit the same plaza we shopped
A tall nigga hopped out with Jordan's and a white tank top
He was top of the rap game, we was the top of the block
So watch that black boy fly
Here he talks about jaceyon, who is made a career out of rapping. Jayceon which which is now known as The Game got out of the neighborhood and made a name for himself. While others looks at a guy that was once in a their strata level being on top of them, the people left behind feel like losers and that they will never rise out  of the place of violence.

My mama didn't raise me up to be jealous hearted
Like most of the winners call it
Regardless of where you stay, hold your head and continue marching
That's what she said but in my head I wanted to be like Jordan
A boy touring the country with money from mic recording
The only way out the ghetto, you know the stereotype
Shooting hoops or live on the stereo like top forty
And shortly, I got discouraged
Like every time I walked to the corner had them guns bursting
Nigga, I was rehearsing in repetition the phrase
Only one in a million will ever see better days
Especially when the crime waves was bigger than tsunamis
Break your boogie boards to pieces you just a typical homie
All these niggas facetious and they all standing beside me
They all will buy me a chopper if any one of you try me
What am I to do when every neighborhood is an obstacle
When two niggas making it out had never sounded logical
Three niggas making it out, that's mission impossible
So I never believed the type of performance that I can do
I wasn't jealous 'cause of the talents they got
I was terrified they'll be the last black boys to fly
Out of Compton
In the last verse Kendrick talks about what his future is waiting for him. Regardless of where he is from he will rise out of that strata level and get rid of that label that the nation has put for him.  Hea terrified to be the last one to get out, but he knows he'll be out rather than people who get sucked into that dark hole, known as Compton. 

Thank God
Black boy fly, watch that black boy fly
And what he means by black boy fly is: he is giving inspiration to anyone that is willing to accept their change and "fly" out of Compton and become something better 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Movie Blog

      The blog that I am doing today deals with a movie.  How can you apply a sociological point of view from watching a movie.  There should be much more thought in watching the movie rather than just watching it to tell your friends you saw the newest movie.  I have always seen movies in a different way than most people.  A lot of thoughts run through my head, and I give more personalities and more reasons for a character to be in that movie, even more than what the character was already intended to have.
      I recently watched "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", and this movie deals with teen angst for the most part. It deals with how somebody is in the lowest level of the social levels in that particular school.  We have all seen it.  In schools more often than not, the athletic teams are at the top, and the people that are actually making something out of their lives (like the math team), are rated at the bottom.  In this movie which is based on a very, well written book, the main character is at the bottom of the level  with a group of friends that he meets.  A lot of the characters in the movie are born  in to families that have expectations.  Even though it does not say that in the book, one can analyze and come to a conclusion.  I will now list some of the more important characters and try to give my sociological opinion on them.
THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER      The first one is Charlie and he is the main character, and he is also narrating his writings that he writes in a type writer.  Charlie went through a pretty bad depression when he was in middle school, partially because I think he put very high expectations for himself and he couldn't meet them.  For example, his brother was a really good football player for Penn State, and his brother was also a very popular kid in school.  When Charlie goes into high school he has social anxiety and is hard for him to find friends.
    Patrick and Sam are the ones in the lowest level in the high school.  They also have a very good way of seeing life, and they are the ones that take in Charlie when no one else would.  They met when their parents married each other, which forced them to be family.  The reason I think that they are such free people is because their parents were going through a hard time while their kids were growing up and they wouldn't pay attention to Patrick and Sam.  Sam and Patrick instead of becoming depressed they went the opposite way and lived a stress-free life.  Sam is really free, she loves nature and is a really friendly person.  Patrick is a gay senior taking the freshman classes he never passed.  They have no troubles in their life at all.
     Another one is Brad, and he is at the top of the level in the school, because he is a football player that will eventually play for Penn State.  He lives a perfect external life, but internally he is gay and loves Patrick.  His dad expects too much from him.  He wants Brad to be the perfect jock with the best grades, and when his dad finds out hes gay, the dad beats Brad.  You can see how much Brad's dad expects out of him.  You can see in what type of family he grew up in.